Are You Listening ?

He never wants to be someone’s attention. He was too far away from virtual world, his inner cognition was realistic. But after she left him, all he wanted to stay away from everyone. Closed behind the doors, disconnected from friends. He wanted to be alone again. He didn’t have any choices left. But deep inside his soul was seeking attention. That someone come and see his scars, the scars his soul get from people surrounding. Someone to listen to him. Someone who can heal him. This is the story of a guy who suffered from depression. Mental illness is curable. People with mental illness don’t want your money or any other financial help. They want us to listen them carefully. How good it feels when you help someone. Listen to the people around you. Perhaps you may help someone. KEEP LISTENING. ARE YOU ?

#apostaday #mentalhealth #dealing-with-depression

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